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Drive change to end violence against women and children by leading and uniting a representative voice.


  • Advocate for the rights of women in Queensland to live free of violence.

  • Advocate on behalf of the sector.

  • Advocate for the continuation of a designated women’s sector to drive the agenda forward.

  • Consult with government and media to provide a united voice from across sectors.

  • Are a central campaigner for sector research, analysis, training, and resourcing.

  • Are accountable for continuing to challenge broader societal belief structures and the current acceptance of violence against women.

  • Continue to be nexus point for sector-wide communication (from a service delivery point of view) so we can stay current, connected and informed.



Centre human rights 


Improve service system responses 

1. Lead collaboration to improve service system responses 


2. Support monitoring, evaluation, and governance 



Collaborate, engage, consult, communicate 


Raise awareness & increase understanding 

6. Unite with other peaks and networks at state and federal levels  

 7. Drive multi-directional communications strategies to share knowledge and influence change.  

 8. Increase awareness & understanding across the community 



Influence and advocate 


Drive systemic reform 

3. Provide expert advice on investment, policy, and strategy development for all levels of government  

 4. Advise and support the implementation of government recommendations, reforms, and strategies  

 5. Champion primary prevention to create the change needed to eliminate violence. 



  • Improved state-wide coordination and integration of services including with other government and non-government services. 


  • Improved collaboration to increase accountability for a person’s choice to use violence. 


  • Increased coordination to create multi-level violence prevention activities and communications that maximise impact and shift the community attitudes that lead to violence. 

  • Enhanced implementation of government recommendations and reforms. 


  • Increased pathways for specialist services to input into systemic and legislative reform processes. 


  • Reduced perpetration of violence. 


  • Safer and more equitable communities. 



  • Improved state-wide coordination and integration of services including with other government and non-government services. 


  • Improved collaboration to increase accountability for a person’s choice to use violence. 


  • Increased coordination to create multi-level violence prevention activities and communications that maximise impact and shift the community attitudes that lead to violence. 


  • Improved long-term service system capacity and capability to effectively meet service demand. 


  • Enhanced development and implementation of practice standards and quality improvement. 


  • Increased perpetrator accountability. 

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