Amie Carrington
Domestic Violence Action Centre (DVAC)
Working from the ground up is at the core of Amie's approach. This passion for people and community has helped her lead successful social services in the Northern Territory, Regional New South Wales, and now as CEO for DVAC providing domestic, sexual and family violence support services in Ipswich, Toowoomba and Darling Downs regions.
Amie is passionate about reducing gender-based violence in our communities and believes that this is best achieved through collaboration. Her leadership style focuses on empowering innovative and resilient teams to deliver high quality services.
Amie has skills in senior management of human services, not-for-profit Governance and community development. Amie's qualifications include a BA Communications- Social Policy (University of Technology Sydney), Diploma of Management and Leadership (VERTO Institute), and is currently studying a Certificate of Not For Profit Governance (Governance Institute of Australia).
Emma Iwinska
Women's Health and Equality Queensland
Emma Iwinska is the CEO of Women’s Health and Equality Queensland, a not-for-profit organisation leading the way in gender equity and women’s health in Queensland. Nationally, Emma is a member of the Australian Women’s Health Network Board, which works collaboratively to improve women’s health policy and practice.
Emma holds formal qualifications in health, leadership and in higher education and embraces a philosophy of lifelong learning. Emma has worked in health for more than 25 years and has supported women in a range of diverse environments including crisis accommodation, substance rehabilitation, prison, maternity settings, private practice and tertiary education teaching clinics.
Emma’s work focuses on improving health outcomes and health equity for women and marginalised groups, and creating the structural and social change needed to stop men perpetrating gendered violence. Emma works to create communities built upon equity, respect, the celebration of diversity and the recognition that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the custodians and knowledge holders of the lands, seas, and skies where we all live, work and play.
Emma loves working collaboratively and listening to the experts in women’s lives – women!
Kate Hoffensetz
Sera's Women's Shelter
Kate has worked in the Women’s Services Sector for Seven years. Currently, she is the Co-ordinator for Sera’s Womens Shelter Inc, whereby she helps empower victims of domestic violence to build new lives with security and support. Through her work, women are provided with counselling, guidance, information as well as emotional and practical support to engender opportunities to break the cycle of domestic violence.
Kate holds a Bachelor of physiological science and has been published as a chapter co-author in ‘Demystifying criminal justice social work in India”. Kate currently serves as the secretariate of the North Queensland Women’s Services Network and has membership with Dovetail, Domestic Violence Integrated Response Group, and Housing and Homelessness Network.
Kate is highly committed to supporting the well-being of women and children faced with domestic and family violence. She values equity and demonstrates a strong commitment to making this a reality through her daily work and contributions to the sector.
Michelle Royes
Michelle Royes is the Interim CEO at DVConnect. With a background in working with men who use DFSV in child protection and DFV settings she is a trained facilitator in the Caring Dads and HMA group behaviour change models. Michelle is also a Safe and Together trainer and brings her experience of working individually with young men and men as well as men in group settings to the unique, single-session, virtual environment of DVConnect. Working alongside the larger DVConnect team, Michelle has been a key driver in looking for contemporary opportunities to diversify what is offered to people that use violence to build a fuller response system to help men be responsible for change . Michelle has a B Psychology, Master Business Admin, and Grad Cert in Men’s Behaviour Change Facilitation.
Nadia Bromley
Women's Legal Service Queensland
Nadia is the CEO of Women’s Legal Service Queensland (WLSQ), a charitable organisation providing free legal advice and other key supporting services to women through a variety of pathways. WLSQ is committed to a society in which every woman can live free from violence and discrimination and receive a just and equitable outcome from legal and social systems.
Nadia has qualifications in law and business and is passionate about access to justice, legal services, and women's rights and safety. Nadia commenced her legal career with Legal Aid Queensland in 2005 and has a broad range of experience across a diverse range of roles in the corporate, profit-for-purpose, and community sector.
Nadia is focused on legal and social issues affecting women and working with a diverse network of organisations, supporters, and individuals who are united by a shared belief in protecting the rights of women.
Ria Wong
Brisbane Domestic Violence Service, Micah Projects
Ria is the lead of Brisbane Domestic Violence Service, who as an activity of Micah Projects, are committed to providing services and opportunities in the community which create justice and respond to injustice.
Ria holds a Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Criminal Justice, cross major in Human Services. Ria commenced her career in Queensland Corrective Services, working in frontline and operational roles as well as project and policy positions across the state of Queensland. Ria has since undertaken roles across the Specialist DFV sector including Gold Coast Domestic Violence Prevention Centre's Integrated Response Manager, and leadership positions at Brisbane Domestic Violence Service. Ria also worked alongside a diverse group of stakeholders as Integration Manager for the former Department of Child Safety, Youth and Women to implement the Brisbane DFV High Risk Team. Ria has been a national lead facilitator of Griffith University's MATE Bystander program and as a consultant subject matter expert to inform national service design and project implementation.
Ria is passionate about delivering innovative, creative and sustainable outcomes for social change & justice in our communities. Ria is committed to making a direct and genuine impact on ending violence against women at an individual and systems level, through collaborative partnerships with peers and following the lead and expertise of survivor advocates.