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Queensland has a number of ‘Networks of Services’ working in the field of women’s health, women's refuges, domestic, family and sexual violence. Until now, however, there hasn’t been one defined network which united us all. 


Discussions had been held within the sector over a number of years, with talk generally acknowledging the need for a unified body. In 2014, there were a number of discussions within the sector about our commitment to overall unity. Out of these discussions, an agreement was made to bring together a united body of women’s services in Queensland.


EVAWQ will allow for a more effective and coordinated service system, ensuring accessible, responsive and integrated service responses for both victim/survivors and perpetrators. EVAWQ will ensure that specialist services are well supported to implement changes, increase capability, identify and respond to emerging trends, innovate to create cross-sectoral solutions. 


It will also enhance pathways for all levels of government to consult with a representative body on legislative reform, funding priorities and emerging trends. 





EVAWQ is needed to inform government and the community of the extent of violence experienced by women and children, the enormity of the problem, and the impact that violence has on women’s lives. As a representative body, EVAWQ will explain to community and government the gendered nature of violence. It is also important to provide an analysis of violence – why men continue to perpetrate violence against women; and to take issues with explanations for men’s violence which blame women and excuse abusers. It is important to work together in the women’s sector to take responsibility for the wellbeing of many, to work together for the common good, and to ask government to do the same.






In 2013, representatives from a mix of networks and services met to discuss the formation of EVAWQ to enhance the unity of violence against women services. Planning meetings were held to progress the idea with the primary focus of organising a state-wide meeting. In 2014, there was a first annual state-wide meeting of ‘violence against women services’ and the establishment of a steering committee.​ Further meetings were held, and the body was officially named “Ending Violence Against Women Queensland” and our website launched.​ In 2015, EVAWQ’s application to become an Incorporated Association is accepted and we launch with an Inaugural Annual General Meeting and establishment of Management Committee.


Over the years, the Management Committee has evolved and their work has focused on providing expert advice through submissions and consultation. EVAWQ regularly engages with government to provide advice in relation to emerging trends, service demands and funding equity, and works collaboratively with other services, networks and organisations on various projects and pieces to increase women's safety and wellbeing.


In 2022, the Women's Safety Justice Taskforce released the Hear Her Voice- Report One, which focused on addressing coercive control and domestic and family violence in Queensland. Recommendation 17 said "The Queensland Government establish and adequately resource an independent and integrated peak industry body for all specialist domestic and family violence services including shelters and perpetrator intervention services." The recommendation also included some functions of the peak body.


At the end of 2022, EVAWQ held a facilitated consultation meeting to discuss what a potential funded peak could look like. We invited Elder Advisor Aunty Peggy, and Sono Leone, the CEO of Strong Women Talking. From this meeting, a Position Paper was released to the sector, inviting further consultation into this discussion.


In 2023, consultations were held with key alliances, networks and committees to advise Government on the formation of a funded peak in Queensland, as recommended in the Hear Her Voice Report. Currently, a report of recommendations and feedback from the consultations is being compiled and will be taken to Government. 

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